Promotional visuals play an important role in advertising and other sales promotion tools.
As the leading image, it is essential to establish a powerful visual impression.
Taki Ono Studio has always been committed to the visual way of expression, whether in the digital, analog, 3D, NFT, or meta worlds.
We have always taken a trend-sensitive approach and honed our skills in creating pop and dynamic designs.
Taki Ono Studio's promotional visuals deliver results by communicating the client's brand and way of doing business through superior visual expression.
In an ever-changing marketplace, we wholeheartedly engage in helping our clients take their businesses to the next stage through steady commitment and a fun and inventive design team.

Client: LUXOTTICA アランミクリ ビジュアル制作/クリエイティブディレクション タキ・オノ/ 写真 ロブ・ウォルバース/ モデル 柄本弾
Alain Mikli Visual creative / Creative director Taki Ono / Photography Rob Walbers / Model Dan Tsukamoto-Tokyo Ballet